It's the middle of the night and your dog is in full panic mode. The first signs of the first spring storm have started; and there will be no sleep for anyone tonight. You try to help your canine companion, but your efforts do nothing to wart off their fear.
Unfortunately, once your dog is stimulated and full of Adrenalin, it can nearly impossible to stop them from pacing, panting, chewing, scratching or damaging your home and themselves. We have experienced this helplessness firsthand and we are here to help.
We've put together a quick guide that'll show how CBD may help you and your dog survive thunderstorm season, holiday fireworks, construction, and other loud noise triggers.
Just like humans, dogs can experience a range of fear, anxiety, and phobias. In fact, as many as 40% of all dogs suffer from some form of noise-related anxiety.
Dogs are often more in tuned to their environment than their human companions. Because of this, sudden changes can trigger stress. These changes can include things like a new addition to the family (a baby or a new pet); new places (new home or remodels); visual stimuli (like umbrellas); new surfaces (grass or tile) and loud noises (fireworks or thunder).
Noise anxiety can encompass many of these changes at the same time; and can lead to sever anxiety in some dogs. Thunderstorms can happen at any time (especially in Texas), but are more prevalent May through August. Just a side note, more dogs go missing on Independence Day and New Years Day due to the loud festivities and the intense fear felt during these intense celebrations.
There's a difference between a dog being startled by a thunderclap and a dog experiencing noise anxiety. If you don't know what to look for, it can be hard to tell which your dog is experiencing. Some symptoms of anxiety in dogs include:
Loss of Appetite
Licking Lips (Nervously)
Having Accidents Inside (House-Trained Dogs)
Intense Cuddling
If you notice your dog displaying any of these behaviors during a thunderstorm; they may suffer from noise-related anxiety.
CBD works similarly on dogs as it does on humans; it acts on the Endocannabinoid System to send messages through the Central Nervous System.
CBD is thought to stimulate serotonin in the brain. By boosting the serotonin in the brain, CBD helps reduce fear and anxiety, calm the mind, and improve the mood.
Though CBD functions in a similar way in dogs as it does humans; the amount of CBD you give your dog is based on their size, age and severity of anxiety.
Before treating your dog for anxiety, consult with your veterinarian to ensure there are no underlying conditions causing the anxiety. Second, we always recommend following the CBD manufacturers directions. However, The amount of CBD you give your dog varies based on your dog's size, age, and severity of their condition. We recommend starting at 1-MG CBD per 10-pounds of body mass given once per day or divided and given twice a day. We have different recommendations for situational anxiety (see next heading).
There are two main ways to give your pooch CBD: CBD Tincture (Oil) or CBD Dog Treats.
CBD Dog Treats are the easiest way to give your dog CBD. You do not have to give your dog CBD everyday to treat your dog for situational anxiety like loud noises, car rides, dog groomer or large gatherings. However, you do have to give your CBD time to work.
When treating your dog for noise anxiety; give your dog 2-MG/10-pounds at least 2 hours before the stimulus. For example, we give our 55-pound Pitbull, Kaipo, two 5-MG CBD Treat the morning before an afternoon thunderstorm.
Then, give your dog another 1-MG/10-pounds before the stimulus begins. Again, we give Kaipo one 5-MG CBD Treat as soon as we see the dark clouds roll in and he starts to show early signs of stress.
Most of the time, this is enough CBD for our dog. However, if it is a bad storm or Independence Day (Fireworks); then we will treat him to one or two more treat as needed to get him in a calm place. CBD is non-toxic and will not hurt most dogs. If your dog is taking any prescriptions (especially those with grapefruit warnings), check with your veterinarian before use.
CBD Tincture (Oil) can be more difficult to give to your dog. Ideally, you give it to your dog directly. CBD Oil can take effect faster; however, treats will generally start to work within 30-60 minutes. There is no real concrete evidence to say one is better than the other; it is personal preference.
Anxiety is natural in dogs, so is the fear of loud noises. However, that doesn't mean you have to sit back and watch your dog struggle. CBD can boost the serotonin levels in the brain. This reduces fear and anxiety; and can help your dog relax. The next time the forecast calls for a sever thunderstorm or you are planning a summertime holiday celebration; consider trying CBD for your dog.
Don't know where to get CBD? Check out our line of products at La Barkeria.